Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 6 Virginia Beach

Day 6

Thursday, October 8, 2015

We started today at Williamsburg. 
We missed the plantation because it was closed due to weather the last time we visited.

Here's a look at the living plantation at Colonial Williamsburg.

 Jan checking out the entrance sign.

 One of the "planters". Not called "farmers".

In the kitchen. The women did most of the work in the plantation.
However, the men did most of the hard labor jobs in the field.

Here's a 360 look at the plantation.
I stumbled with my words when I got to the meat cabin - I couldn't come up with the "smoke house".
Unfortunately this happens more often than I'd like to admit as I get older.

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A 360 degree look at the living plantation.

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Here's a summary of our day trip from a geographical perspective...

On the way to Virginia Beach we stopped at Norfolk downtown and visited the 
Norfolk and Southern Train Museum. I captured that visit on another blog page.

If you'd like to check it out, click on this link

As we continued on to to Virginia Beach we had to get through Chesapeake Bay.
In order to do that we had to go under...check this out...
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It took a little over an hour to arrive at Virginia Beach.

 Virginia Beach from the south end looking north.

 Jan and I noticed the barges going by. 
I tried to capture this one.
But, as you can see, it didn't turn out too good.

The week before we arrived there were two Nor-eastern storms and a hurricane that hit the southeast coast.
The locals said the real damage was done by the two Nor-easterns that hit before the hurricane.
It left behind debris from the sea.
The hurricane didn't hit land, but went out to sea instead.

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Here's a 360 degree view of Virginia Beach

 We continued north on the beach.

 We didn't have sun screen so I figured out a way to protect my neck.
Looks kinda corney, but it worked.

Jan and I went on the pier shown on the map.
We sat a spell watching the fishing people do their thing.
Very relaxing.

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I saw these birds flying in "V" formation.
I thought they were geese.
Turns out? They were sea-gulls.
I didn't know they knew how to fly in formation.

I finally got a shot of two barges carrying intermodal containers.
The one of the left was going north (left) for OCL.
The one on the right was going south (right) for NY Harbor Freight.

We finished our visit to Virginia Beach with a Ben & Jerry's ice cream treat and then headed home.

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